Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who do you hang with?

Look around you. Who are the people you spend the most time with? Are they entrepreneurs, employees, investors or business owners?

Robert Kiyosaki says the people you spend the most time with, are already in the quadrant you will end up in. Does that mean to move from one quadrant to another you need to change your friends. Not necessarily ... but it might mean you need to expand your circle of friends to include people in the quadrant you want to enter.

How do you do it? Join a club, take a course, go to a seminar. The more activities you undertake that introduce you to people who are interested in the same investing opportunities as you pursue. By doing this, you'll expand your circle of friends to include others who have interests in the same areas you are moving into.

Another way to expand your circle of friends is to see if there is a CashFlow Club operating in your city. For those who are new to Robert Kiyosaki, CashFlow is a game he developed to teach financial literacy. By playing CashFlow you can learn the skills needed to get out of the rat race ... and by playing with others in your community, you will network with people trying to be financially free, just like you.

Let me be clear: You don't have to shed all your old friends just because they are Es and you want to be a B. What I am saying is that to grow into the business owner and investor you want to be, you need to start networking, connecting and learning from others who are already where you want to be.

I will also offer you a word of caution. If the people around you are pulling you back into your old ways and holding you back from becoming the person you want to be, you should limit your exposure to them. When you are starting a business, you experience many days of self doubt and you need people around you who would be more apt to offer encouragement and support than criticism and skeptism.

Look around you today. Are the people you spend the most time with in the quadrant you want to be in? If the answer is no, you might want to expand your circle of friends to include a few new friends.

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