Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why We Want You To Be Rich Part 4

A subtext to the book Why We Want You To Be Rich highlights the importance of picking your battles, battlefields and the terrain in which you will achieve success.

What does this mean? If you go back to the cashflow quadrant, there are people who fit exceptionally well in the E quadrant and are happy there. Does that mean they should quit and become a B? No, but perhaps they can be and E and an I ... and through the I quadrant achieve freedom.

You need to really think about the characteristics of each quadrant. After all, this is your future that you are charting. No one can tell you where to focus your energies. It has to come from you. (Note earlier posts where each of the quadrants is described).

When considering the question of quadrants, you might want to also consider the question of Why you want to be rich? Is it for security? Freedom? For me, and in case you can't tell from the name of this blog, money brings me freedom ... freedom to choose what I spend time on, how I spend my days and what I buy. It is a lifestyle choice that goes beyond security.

What do you value and why. Think about that for a while.

Trump suggests writing the script to your life ... then producing it yourself and find yourself living the way you want. Writing a script of your life is a lot like manifestations. If you haven't done it already, stop now and do it. It's hard to find yourself living the life of your dreams if you can't articulate that dream!

An interesting sidebar to the discussion: Did you know that both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki had military training? Both attribute some of their success to their military training because it taught them leadership, how to follow orders and how to get people to follow them.

That's all for now. There is so much in this book, I'll bring you another snapshot next post.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

A nation that's MAXED OUT!

I'm taking a break from the review of Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's book because I stumbled across an article today that warrants discussion. It's scary. Has anyone noticed the proliferation of television shows, businesses and articles being written about debt? As a nation, we are raking up the debt on what Kiyosaki calls bad debt or doodads. The scary part about it is that most people don't even know they are doing it.

Here's an excerpt of the article from Motley Fool, as well as a link to the whole piece: http://www.fool.com/news/commentary/2006/commentary06102702.htm?source=eptyholnk303100&logvisit=y&npu=y

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Ad Council, who are working together in this project, hope the dose of nostalgia will get more young consumers to skip the plasma TV purchases and become young savers ... (paints) a bleak picture of his targeted age group:
  • Their average credit card debt is $4,088.
  • Their average student loan debt is $20,000.
  • They spend 24% of their income on debt payments.
  • They have the nation's second-highest rate of personal bankruptcy.

A study commissioned by the accountants' group also showed that the proportion of young adults with a simple savings account fell from 61% to 48% from 1985 to 2004. Over the same time period, the median net worth of adults in that age group has fallen dramatically, from $6,788 to $3,746. This means lots of young adults are missing out on one of the biggest advantages of saving while they're still young -- the advantage of time. Several thousand dollars put away early will grow exponentially greater than several thousand stashed away a decade later.

When I was in my late teens, my parents gave me a copy of the Wealthy Barber. While I don't follow all of the advice outlined in the book, it gave me a start on the path I'm currently following. It also sparked an interest in wealth creation that has lived on to this day.

In a RichDad CD, Robert Kiyosaki says that the only problem with keeping up with the Jones is that the Jones are going broke. I believe this is true. With the mentality of instant gratification, need it now, don't pay a cent, people are racking up debt they can't get out from under. It's truly frightening and what is worse is that most people aren't aware of what they are doing to themselves until its too late.

Take some time to review your personal budget (manage your household like a business). Look at the expenses and income. If you are red-lining, take action now before you are in so deep you can't get out.

Now let me be clear on one thing: I'm not talking about becoming cheap. If you become rich by being cheap you are still cheap. I am talking about being responsible with your income and your expenses. A trick I was taught by Kiyosaki is to have passive income businesses pay for my doodads, that way you have the doodad you want, and you have the passive stream of income for life.

Next time: More on Why We Want You To Be Rich

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why We Want You To Be Rich ... Part 3

I can't put this book down. The two styles of Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are so different, yet complimentary. And, the message they deliver hits home.

Those who have been reading RD for a while, know that Robert advises learning one thing, mastering it, then moving on to the next area of expertise. In this book, he calls it FOCUS.
F = Follow
O = One
C = Course
U = Until
S = Successful

If we think about how we bounce about life, trying a few things, giving up and moving on to the next, it's no wonder there's such a big difference between playing to survive and playing to win ... those playing to win continue to focus on one thing at a time until successful. They overcome the challenges in front of them and continue forward.

Many people ascribe to the concept of diversification, but if you really look at this strategy it runs contrary to the concept of focus. It's a strategy that many financial planners use to convince people not to keep all their eggs in one basket. That through diversification, they can weather the ups and downs of a marketplace and protect themselves for major market shifts. It is, as Robert points out, a defensive strategy. These are the same advisors who tell people to work hard, get out of debt and save for the long term.

People like Robert and Donald believe in debt ... or using other people's money ... but they don't load up on bad debt which the poor and the middle class do. They use debt to buy assets that put more and more money into their pockets. And, the leverage those assets to buy more assets ... mastering one investment strategy after the next.

Now, I can already hear the protests and excuses that inevitably come up when I talk with people about this concept. The excuses will disapear if you conquer your fear, and set your mind to mastering one area of wealth creation, then moving on to another. Do you want to use your mind to make excuses or lever your mind to make money. I'll take the latter thanks!

We are all born rich. We all have been given the most powerful lever on earth, our minds ... so use your mind for leverage to make you richer rather than making excuses.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why We Want You To Be Rich Part 2

Before I continue with today's post, I want to underscore that I am not summarizing Why We Want You to Be Rich. I am simply sharing aspects of the book I find interesting or thought provoking. I think every book of this kind should be read more than once to truly grasp all the concepts being presented. I have found that going back and re-reading Prophecy, Rich Dad and other books, there were different elements that strike a chord because of the differing stages in my life.

3 Types of Investors: See if you can recognize yourself and the people around you in these three investors.
1. People who don't invest at all (and expect family, the government or their company to look after them ... see previous info on entitlement)
2. People who invest not to lose (safe investments and a saver mentality)
3. People who invest to win (those who invest in education, higher returns and greater control).

When Pete and I started RD Coaching this year, our goal was to further our education. We had set a goal to win ... within three years ... but knew we needed more education and experience to get there. So, we invested in the education we knew we needed to win.

Interestingly, Investing to Win, is a large section of this new book. Both Robert and Donald underscore that those who are investing not to lose will. Financial experts (who as Donald explains takes the subway to work and advise those driving BMWs) teach people to play it safe. "Those experts aren't focussed on winning. They are focussed on not losing. "

When you look at the so called safe investments, Robert and Donald say they are actually very risky. People socking their money away into these vehicles will get a rude awakening when retirement hits ... all the while they cling to job security ... and we all know there is no such thing as job security.

The majority of people are playing the game of life not to lose ... people like Robert and Donald are playing to win.

I found it very interesting that, in an interview with a reporter Robert confessed he hadn't set any goals for this year. When asked why (it goes against his teachings), he said he doesn't know what else to ask for ... then in the next breathe said: I think I need to dream wilder dreams.

Robert is not satisfied to stay in one place but is already looking beyond to see what else is possible. He reminds me of another business person I recently interviewed who said: I think I need to dream harder dreams because I keep reaching mine.

Living life beyond our dreams seems like a wonderful goal ... if you dare to take it on, but I fear few are up to the challenge. Are you?

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Why We Want You To Be Rich Part 1

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump's new book is now on bookshelves, and its title is Why we want you to be rich. A compelling title that has some shocking reasons behind it: The book is about the shrinking middle class and how the future shows a widening gap between the rich and the poor, the have and the have nots. These two financial powerhouses, or as they call themselves, the millionaire and the billionaire met during a Learning Annex seminar and discovered they had a lot in common. That commonality lead to the creation of a book that I would suggest you read if you are serious about becoming rich.

As a side note, some of the proceeds from this book are donated to financial education charities ... a sign of the importance of tithing.

Get the book here

The book opens with both Robert and Donald writing about their first meeting and their concepts for a new book. They both talk about WHY this book is important to write and why they are so concerned about the state of the US and global economy. As they state, if there's one why for becoming rich, it's so you aren't poor. A pretty compelling reason to strive for financial freedom.

The eye opening part of the introductory chapters is that the shrinking middle class and the collapse that awaits us as baby boomers retire is something we've done to ourselves. Robert and Donald want us "to let go of our entitlement mentality and become rich so we can solve our own problems." In quoting Mark Twain they say: Don't go around saying the world owes you a living, the world was here first.

Donald shows the changes in economic powerhouses in the world and how China and India are emerging as major economic forces. They are viable competition for countries who believe they are the global economic engine. Today's a wake up call.

Why we want you to be rich starts where every successful project should ... with the why. It doesn't need to be complicated. The why for this book as written by Robert Kiyosaki is:
"We want to encourage you to become rich because American and many other countries are becoming two class societies - rich or poor ... One reason: If you do not decide to become rich, the chances are you will become poor"

I can't think of a better reason to strive for wealth, can you.

Get the book here

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Lemmings & Crowds

The road less travelled will sometimes take you past some interesting landmarks. All too often, some of the most beautiful sites are a short walk from the highway, or a hike up the mountain.

I recently moved from Ontario to BC and one of my favourite pastimes is hiking. I take Kayley on awesome walks that often take us to peaks in the area where we can look over a stunning vista. It is worth the sweat-equity.

When we are walking, we pass few people along the pass. There are few cars in the parking lots and even fewer hikers on trails. The herd hasn't wandered off the road yet.

The same can be said for business and investing. Quite often, those who are willing to take the road less travelled, investigate options that the herd hasn't found yet, have greater chances of return. Even more often, by the time the herd tunes into the opportunity, it's too late.

I see the same thing every day in the stock market, particularly around people who think the market is "risky". They watch and watch a particular company until everyone is talking it about it and the share price goes through the roof. That's when the inevitable person will buy only to find the company can't sustain the high price and starts to fall ... and guess what happens to the followers who waited and watched.

The same is very true when you are in business, particularly when you select a business that might be considered by many to be "risky" or leading edge. You will get all kinds of people happy to tell you that you are nuts for doing it, and watch you succeed from the sidelines. It is at that point, they'll try something quietly on the side, likely fail, and then blame the system.

What can you do? Have faith in what you are doing and keep focussed on the end result. The herd could be running for a cliff and I doubt you want to be with them.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Work to Learn

In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki introduces us to the concept of working to learn, not working to earn. For those who have read his books, you know he took a job at IBM to learn to sell. He worked for an investor to learn to invest. Throughout his career, he has taken jobs or positions to further his education not necessarily his income.

This is something I think we can all learn from. How many people do we know have been in the same job for many years and are simply running the treadmill. How familiar does this sound: get up, drink a coffee, get in the car, commute to work, do the job, come home, eat dinner, fall asleep unmotivated and exhausted. I'll bet anyone doing the 9-5 thing can relate. Here's the question: what are you learning between waking and bedtime. If the answer is nothing, you might want to revisit your choices.

There are a few ways to build your education without quitting your job (at least in the short term). Take a sales training course in your spare time. If you have the time and money, you could do personalized coaching: I am a huge fan of Magnetic Persuasion

The course teaches you the power of positive persuasion ... a tool we can use in all facets of our lives.

Another concept that I love about RD's recommendation about working to learn is the idea that you "want to know a little about a lot" I started my career as a journalist and what I loved about this position was learning about all different industries, businesses, politics and people. It was a dynamic (if poor paying) job that sparked my interest in lifelong learning ... and was the foundation of my outlook of today. The more time you spend investing in your education, the more you will profit in the long term.

So how do you apply what you are learning. Learn one thing, master it, then move onto the next. You then build expertise and excellence in so many areas that you have a diversified background in which to build multiple streams of income. Let me give you a tangible example, this year I've investing in sales training (through magnetic persuasion) and business planning through RD Coaching. I am now putting the skills of these courses into practice in order to "master" them.

Most people who know me, know that I am anti-JOB ... mostly because I abhor the idea of working for someone else. BUT, I would take a job if I thought there was something I could from it ... for example, I would work for a real estate agent or a mortgage broker to learn the ins and outs of this industry.

What's next? Stay tuned.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Expect Success

"Winners and losers aren't born, they are the products of how they think." Lou Holtz, former Notre Dame football coach.

This morning, I read an article by a Rich Dad coach who explained some of the greatest achievements are realized because the individual expects to succeed, even in the face of adversity.

Many, many people already know that if you expect to succeed you will, and if you expect to fail, you will. Either way, you are right. What I loved about the coach's article was the connection he made to financial success. You need to approach every deal with the positive expectation that it will work out. I think that by approaching it in this way, you look for the opportunity and see if there's a way to make it work.

Lets take a real life example. A few years ago, we were looking to buy a property that we felt would be a great investment. We ran the numbers, knew how to make it work, and started shopping for a bank to invest in the property. Much to our surprise, we were turned down ... and not just once.

We could have given up and decided to let the property go but we knew it would be a great opportunity so we started looking for other options. We called the agent and asked if the vendor would take back the mortgage with 10% down. To our surprise, he was very interested. For tax reasons, getting smaller increments of the sale price made the sale more palatable.

We not only got the price we wanted for the property, we got the financing terms and we got the property. There were some hairy moments during the purchase but by focussing on the positive, we made it happen.

In another case, we owned a large piece of property, 1/3 of which was unusable and under the protection of a conservation authority. We knew the land had some potential if we could make some changes. Everyone around us told us it couldn't be done but we knew there was a way. We met with the authority, presented a plan, after 6 months of meetings, we got approval. The effort resulted in $150K profit when we sold.

I don't think anyone believes the path is an easy one, but it can be filled with positive possibilities.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Marketing 101

When I first started in this business, I thought there was some magic formula that allowed some people to be successful while others floundered around hoping to make money but never seeming to connect.

I looked around at the people who were realizing success and those who weren't to try and identify the different skill sets, characteristics or activities that made one person successful and the other not as successful.

Here's the secret: It wasn't about skill set. It wasn't about personal characteristics and it wasn't about talent.

So what does make a difference? Pure and simple. Marketing. Marketing both yourself and your product. It's really not rocket science. Like many people who are new to this industry, you seek the magic bullet. The one thing that will rocket you to success. The reality is that it's not one thing.

Now lets take a closer look at the people in this industry (or any business) who achieve success, and what do we find. They are really, really good at marketing themselves.

Am I saying that if you don't have marketing skills you won't succeed? Not really. Most good companies or programs will teach you what you need to know to market the opportunity effectively. What I am saying is you have to do it. You have to implement the marketing tools and tactics you are being taught ... and here IS the secret: You have to do it consistently. Day in Day Out while you are building the business. If you are in a true passive income business as taught by gurus like Robert Kiyosaki, momentum will build and you will be able to coast on auto pilot but you have to build it first.

I have been gathering some of the secrets from other top marketers and will start sharing them here but what is important is that you take action and start to implement them.

Oh yeah, just to clarify something. Marketing does not always mean spending money. Marketing can be as simple as publishing a blog (which is free), posting to forums (which is also free) or writing articles (which if you do it yourself is free). Marketing takes time, effort and diligence but the pay off is huge in both business growth and profits.

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Passion ... Do you have it?

Do you have passion for your business? Can you talk with anyone about it with pride and energy? It's very easy to start a business, be energized by its potential and then slide into mediocrity. Why? For every person the reasons are different. For some, it's the thrill of the hunt (finding that new business and starting it that' s exciting). Once it's strated, the shine dulls and it becomes routing. For others, success can wear at the enthusiasm we have for a business, and for still others it can be criticism or worse ridicule that we may be subjected to along the way.

Whatever the reason, when the energy wanes or the positive motivation dulls, often it has a ripple effect on the business causing a further spin toward unprofitability.

I was sent a copy of the movie The Secret this weekend. If you haven't seen it, the cost of a download is worth it. www.thesecret.tv The movie shows how the energy we are projecting, both positive and negative are attracting those things we think about towards us. That means if we are thinking about debt, bills, lack of money, we could be attracting more of it to us. The movie explains that the universe is constantly bringing us what we think about ... so why not think about positive things and have more of them come our way.

So, how does this related to the beginning of this blog? When you have passion for a business, an idea or even a person, you project that passion to others ... and guess what, the universe respond bringing more of it to you.

I am going to retire free in 3 years with cheques filling my mailbox and bank account every day ... I'm passionate about making that happen.

How about you? Take a few minutes and write it out, say it out loud. Then start making it happen for you.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

How Many Streams Of Income Do You Have?

In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki outlines the differences between assets and liabilities. Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take money out.

When you build a business, the objective is putting money in your pocket. As you build a business, you are working to establish a business that will continue paying you even when you've decided to take a break from the business. That's called residual or passive income. And that's the key to retiring early and retiring free.

If you haven't read Multiple Streams of Income, within the pages is a great concept that is important to understand: You accelerate your earning potential, as well as the speed with which you can retire when you increase the number of passive income businesses you are building.

Another aspect of the streams concept is controlling the outflow of your streams (ie your expenses). By increasing your income with income from passive income businesses, while managing your expenses you will start to the path to financial freedom ... how these residual streams of income will allow you to quit your current job and spend more time on the things you enjoy.

Robert Kiyosaki outlines three asset classes and as you build your passive income, he advises having passive income in all three areas: business, real estate and investments. He also recommends learning one, mastering it and moving on to the next.

So, since this blog is all about business, we are focussing here on building a series of passive income businesses. Those passive income businesses ultimately provide money to invest in the other asset classes.

That's the road to stability and financial freedom.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Are you really secure?

I received a shocking email recently from a friend and business partner. It's someone I've worked with for a number of years and has been with the same Fortune 500 company for many years.

People would say, she has a good, secure job.

Here's the shocking part. The company announced downsizing a few months ago, and she just found out she is one of the casualties of the slowing economy. So, in the next two weeks, she'll be re-evaluating her options and considering a new career move.

When I hear about people like this, it tugs at my heart. How many others out there are keeping their heads down hoping the axe won't fall on them. How many people are sitting in their offices or cubicles figuring they have a good job, they don't have to worry.

It's an illusion.

No job is secure.

We have been watching as the governments have been making moves to protect our countries from a recession. Is is working? Time will tell but in the interim, companies are making moves to protect their bottom line and react to slowing consumer sales and weaker economic outlook.

For those of us who made the decision to start moving to the right side of the quadrant and build a business, we have a greater level of control over our destiny and future earning potential.

It's news like my friend received that reinforces my decisions, strengthens my resolve and gives me the determination I need to keep building a business that will provide the financial stability I need to retire early.

It's a wake up call for all. Safe, secure jobs ... are not so safe and secure.

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Monday, October 09, 2006

Investing in Freedom

The last quadrant is the I quadrant. In RD's books, he talks about the differeny levels of investors from beginners to the highest levels of qualified expert investor.

Like the other quadrants, investors have a particular skillset that needs to be honed over time.

Here's what Robert Kiyosaki says about the I quadrant. As you'll see the I quadrant is where money gets turned into wealth. Like the B quadrant we talked about earlier, this quadrant is needed to realized financial freedom.

If you’re an I (investor)

You make money with money. You do not have to work because your money is working
for you.

The I quadrant is the playground of the rich. Regardless of which quadrant people make
their money in, if they hope someday to be rich, they ultimately must come to the I quadrant.

It is in the I quadrant that money becomes converted into wealth.

Now that we've reviewed the different quadrants and the characteristics of each of those quadrants. In my coaching program, we had to articulate and answer the following questions: Who are you? How do you earn money? What is your idea of risk—or security for that matter? Equally important—how does your spouse answer these questions?

When you've answered these questions, we can take a next step and start building your foundation for financial freedom.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Move to the right ...

In the past 2 posts, we've talked about being on the left side of the quadrant, the rat race side. It's the side most people are on.

To become financially free, you need to start moving to the right side ... the freedom side. Most financially successful people are active in both quadrants on the right side but Rich Dad says the ones who are the most wealthy know the skills of building a business. If you are reading this blog, you are also interested in building a business. The skills outlined on this site are the ones needed to build a passive income business.

For those building a network marketing business, keep at it, you're on your way to moving to the right and becoming a B.

Lets remember the difference between a B and an S ... a B could leave his business for a year, come back and find the company as profitable, if not more so, than when he left. A person leaving an S business would return after a year to find no business remaining.

If you’re a B (business owner)

You’re almost the opposite of an S.


Because rather than doing things yourself, you like to surround yourself with smart people from all four categories: E, S, B, and I.

Unlike the S, who does not like to delegate work, the true B likes to delegate. Many people know either the essence of leadership or the technical skills of business. To be a successful B, you really need to know both. Rich dad always said, “The technical skills of business are easy…the hard part is working with people.”

Many entrepreneurs who start up a new company to produce something no one else has produced wind up starting an S-quadrant type of business and not a B-quadrant type.

Not that one is necessarily better than the other, but many people who want to start the latter end up starting the former—out of ignorance or inexperience. And they become stalled in their quest to move to the right side of the quadrant.

B owners own a system, not a job. So when they go on vacation, they still make money.

To be successful as a B requires both:

a. Ownership or control of systems.
b. The ability to lead people.

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Independent streak? You might be an S

This one is near and dear to my heart. For those who know me, you'll recognize many of the traits I exhibit.

Interestingly enough, my husband is also an S and many of the people we know are Ss (more on this later). As you will read in this post, there are many positive aspects of an S, as well as many things both of us are well aware that we need to mitigate in order to be successful on the right side ... or the freedom side ... of the quadrant.

If you’re an S (self-employed professional)
You’re a “do-it-yourselfer.” Often, when it comes to the subject of money, a hard core S does not like to have his or her income dependent on other people. In other words, if Ss work hard, they expect to get paid for their work. Those who are Ss do not like having the amount of money they earn dictated by someone else, or by a group of people who might not work as hard as they do.

If they work hard, they expect to be paid well. They also understand that if they do not work hard, then they don’t deserve to be paid much. When it comes to money, they have fiercely independent souls.

An S responds to fear differently than an E. An S doesn’t respond to fear by seeking security, but by taking control of the situation and doing it on his or her own. When it comes to fear and financial risk, he or she wants to “take the bull by the horns.”

Also in the S group are people who took educational paths other than, or in addition to, traditional schooling. In this group are direct-commission salespeople—real estate agents, for instance—as well as small-business owners such as retail shopkeepers, cleaners, restaurateurs, consultants, therapists, travel agents, car mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, preachers, electricians, hair stylists, and artists.

For this group, money is not the most important thing about their work. Their independence, the freedom to do things their way, and to be respected as experts in their fields, are much more important than mere money. They have a hard time hiring other people to do what they do simply because, in their mind, nobody else is up to the task. This causes this group to often say, “It’s hard to find good help these days.”

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Where are you today? A look at Es

I talk a lot about the fundamentals of Rich Dad Poor Dad so I thought I'd dedicate the next couple postings to characteristics of each segment. Can you recognize yourself in any of them.

To recap, there are four quadrants ... the ones on the left are those getting income by trading dollars for hours ... they are firmly in the rat race. Those who are out of the rat race, or are getting out, gather their income from the right side of the quadrant. If you are on the left today, the goal is to start moving to the right side.

(Excerpted from Rich Dad Coaching Materials) If you’re an E (employee):

When you hear the word “secure” or “benefits,” you get a warm, fuzzy feeling. The
word “secure” is a word often used in response to the emotion of fear.

If a person feels fear, then the need for security is often a subject of conversation. This is a
“dead ringer” for someone who comes predominantly from the E quadrant. When it
comes to money and jobs, there are many people who simply hate the feeling of fear that
comes with economic uncertainty—hence the desire for security.

If you’re an E, the word “benefit” means you would also like some kind of additional

reward that is spelled out—a defined and ensured extra compensation, such as a health-care or retirement plan. The key is that you want to feel secure and see it in writing.
Uncertainty does not make you happy; certainty does. Your internal workings say, “I’ll
give you this…and you promise to give me that in return.”

As an E, you want your fear satisfied with some degree of certainty, so you seek security

and strong agreements when it comes to employment. You are accurate when you say,
“I’m not that interested in money.”

For you, the idea of security is more important than
money. Employees can be presidents of companies or janitors of companies. It is not so much what you do, but the contractual agreement you have with the person or organization that hires you.

If this sounds like you, take a note, we'll work with this information onces we looked at the other quadrants.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

What are you thinking?

"If you think you can do it or think you can't do it, either way you're right." - Henry Ford

Everyone has heard that expression, repeated as a motivational tool to help people understand the power of their own mind when it comes to success or failure.

Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich says: There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are offspring of thought.

Robert Kiyosaki in his coaching program outlines that money is just an idea.

So, why do these gurus spend time ensuring that "you've got your head right" before outlining other paths to riches? Because your conscious and your unconscious mind can undermine your efforts to attain new levels of wealth.

How? If you think you can't you won't. It's simple as that.

When you have a very strong belief - one that taps into your beliefs and your emotions - you will find that similar thoughts, feelings or beliefs are drawn to you. Have you ever smiled at a stranger, and found them smiling back? In the simplist of terms, the reaction you are looking for is drawn to you.

Try this: Have you ever had a really bad day and it seemed like everyone around you is in a bad mood. If during this bad day you started smiling at people and having a more sunny disposition, you would find that those around you seem to be in a better mood.

It's amazing how a conscious act, such as smiling, can be contagious. That one act feeds your beliefs (that people are in a good mood, as an example) and that belief translates into positive results.

How deep do you believe it? If you are speaking one set of words but don't believe them, your contradiction can be transmitted to those around you .. unconsciously and unintentionally ... and that can limit your success and even prevent you from succeseeding.

How strongly do you believe you can attain real wealth? The answer better be very strong ... you need that strength to conquer all the challenges that lie ahead ... and you need it to draw the success to you that you need.

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